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Int 61 Fn 0003  - Banyan Vines - Async Terminal Emulation - Set Session P  [N]

   AX = 0003h subfn 05h
   DS:BX -> argument block (see below)

Return: AX = status (see AX=0003h/SF=00h)

See Also: AX=0003h/SF=00h,AX=0003h/SF=06h,AX=0003h/SF=08h

Format of argument block:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    session ID (00h)
 01h   BYTE    05h (function "set session parameter")
 02h   BYTE    parameter number (see below)
 03h   BYTE    new parameter value

Values for parameter number:
 00h   line speed (00h=any, 01h=50, 02h=110, 03h=134.5, 04h=150,
         05h=300, 06h=600, 07h=1200, 08h=2400, 09h=4800, 0Ah=9600)
 01h   parity (00h=none, 01h=odd, 02h=even)
 02h   duplex (00h=full, 01h=half)
 03h   character size (00h=7 bits, 01h=8 bits)
 04h   stop bits (00h=1, 01h=2)
 05h   XON/XOFF flow control (00h=no, 01h=yes)
 07h   intercharacter delay in tenths of a second
 08h   interline delay in tenths of a second
 09h   auto linefeed (00h=no, 01h=yes)
 0Ah   filter control characters (00h=no, 01h=yes)
 0Bh   terminal type (00h=VT100,01h=glassTTY,02h=VT52,03h=IBM3101)
 0Ch   auto wrap (00h=no, 01h=yes)
 0Dh   cursor shape (00h=underscore, 01h=block)
 0Eh   character set (00h=UK, 01h=US ASCII)
 0Fh   printer port (00h=LPT1, 01h=LPT2, 02h=LPT3)

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